Thursday 31 December 2009

Happy New Year 2010

As the time approaches to the years end
Its time to reflect on what has or hasn't happened
What made you Laugh and what made you cry,
What you achieved and what you didn't try,
What made you feel good and what made you feel bad,
What made you happy and what made you sad,
The friends you have made and the friends you have lost,
The friends you have kept yes yours and mine,
and what may have been in 2009.

A new year arrives its now 2010
So get out the paper and get out the pen,
For now is the time to wish all well,
And all of your friends this message to tell,
May your dreams be met,
May you be happy not sad,
and may all the things that happen to you be good not bad,
Around the world and at home to.

I wish a Happy and Prosperous New Year to you